Het aanleggen van een stamlijst is één van de hoofdtaken van het Ter Kuile Fonds, evenals het ondersteunen van de familieband. Met de website en het jubileumboek hoopt het fonds deze band nog meer te verstevigen en toekomstige generaties een indruk te geven van het leven van hun voorouders. Onder het Ter Kuile Fonds is meer te lezen over de oprichting en andere doelen.
De stamlijst van de familie ter Kuile wordt bijgehouden op My Heritage.
De informatie in het jubileumboek en op de website is niet wetenschappelijk, maar de verhalen gaan over personen en hun wetenswaardigheden. Het geeft een beeld van de tijd waarin ze leefden, en wil een beeld geven van de familie Ter Kuile, zoals wij waren en zoals wij zijn. We hopen dat de verhalen ons ook in de toekomst met elkaar mogen verbinden. Zoals G.J. ter Kuile senior en junior in het voorwoord van De familie Ter Kuile uit 1926 schreven: ‘Moge nu ons familieboek zijn intree doen in elk Ter Kuile-huis, waar ter wijder wereld het sta. Zij het daar een trouwe vraagbaak. Sterke het daar overal onze familie-eenheid. Allen vriendelijken medehelpers onzen vriendelijken dank’!
Januari 2019
Het bestuur van het Ter Kuile Fonds
David ter Kuile (Nicotak), voorzitter
KarienAnne de Sitter-ter Kuile (Hanentak), secretaris
Pieter Zwaan (Pietertak), penningmeester
Saskia ter Kuile (Gerrittak)
Frits ter Kuile (Pietertak)
Karin Huijsman-Visser (Wooldriktak)

The family tree of the family Ter Kuile, deeply rooted in the Buurserveld. In 1946 this overview – in male line – was made by G.J. ter Kuile sr (Wooldrik branche).
On the 3rd of July 1909 the first meeting of the entire family ter Kuile was held. That day at nine o’clock in the morning the carriages with over 101 family members left Enschede, to arrive at Buurse around eleven, first at the ‘Grobbink’ farm, they carried on to the ‘Koelboer’, where everybody finally assembled. The journey continued on to Aamsveen and to Smalenbroek, arriving at four o’clock, in time for a very festive dinner and evening party enjoyed by the whole family in high spirits! Ten years later, the memories of this glorious family day encouraged the representatives of the various family branches to contemplate the creating of a Foundation. On the one hand out of gratitude for staying out of the (1st) World War, and on the other hand in support of family members who might be in financial difficulties. So on the 28th November 1919 the ‘Ter Kuile Fonds’ was officially founded and registered in Enschede by notary H. van Opstall (who lend his services free of charge!). The Foundation’ goal was to support, where necessary, the descendants of Engelbert ter Kuile (1740) and his spouse Catharina Mouritz (1739). Descendants bearing the name ter Kuile, including their spouses, widows and widowers, their children and grandchildren.

On the 3rd of July 1909 the first meeting of the entire family ter Kuile was held at Smalenbroek.
The second aim was to create a family tree. So the Fund’s Board could determine exactly who was eligible to apply to the Foundation. In the addition, the promotion of close family ties and organization of an annual family gathering were tasks of the Board. In 2019 in honour of the hundredth anniversary of the Ter Kuile Fonds the Board decided to publish this family history. This website and the book presents stories and memories of our family, and offers future generations, an insight into the life of their ancestors.
Since Engelbert and Catharina ter Kuile-Mouritz our family has branched out into six different sub-sets (takken): the Hanen-, Pieter-, Gerrit-, Wooldrik-, Welna- and Nico branch. This website and the book gives an insight into the history of these branches over the various generations. As we write, it is clear some branches will die out in due time. This is another reason for the Board to publish the history of the family at a time that this is still possible. This is not a scholastic book, it is a collection of interesting personal anecdotes. It aims to provide an impression of the family ter Kuile family and how this family lived, then and now. Hopefully the stories entertain and continue to bring our family together.
The family list of the ter Kuile family is kept on My Heritage.
January 2019
Board of the Ter Kuile Fonds
David ter Kuile – Nicotak – President
Karien-Anne de Sitter-ter Kuile – Hanentak – Secretary
Peter Zwaan – Pietertak – Treasurer
Saskia ter Kuile – Gerrittak – Communications
Frits ter Kuile – Pietertak – member
Karin Huijsman-Visser – Wooldriktak – member